Transforming Assets Guide

A social housing provider’s asset management strategy is fast becoming the most important document written. Our Value for Money (VfM) analytics platform has shown us that 70% to 80% of an organisations total spend will be on repairs.

Social housing providers are now under increasing pressure to build new homes as well as save money. The recent White Paper encouragingly sees the social housing sector as being pivotal to solving the housing crisis and the VfM agenda is still in the spotlight. So, if an organisation can get their asset management strategy right, it will have a significant impact on the business plan, building new homes and delivering VfM. Despite this almost 50% of of the Top 100 RP’s do not state their return on assets in their VFM report.

This paper jointly developed with Beever and Struthers outlines, how the sector is currently dealing with evidencing its assets management strategy and provides examples of best practices.

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